FOCUS Wachstumschampion – Germany’s TOP 500 companies
For the last 20 years, MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH has had great success with the MBST magnetic resonance therapy. The multi-award winning German medium-sized company was honoured with another award in 2018: FOCUS Magazine and STATISTA included the MedTec in the illustrious TOP 500 circle of Germany’s "Wachstumschampions 2018" (Champions of Growth). With this new award, the company is no longer just one of the pioneering think tanks of German medium-sized businesses – MedTec is in a class of its own.
MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH from Wetzlar is FOCUS Wachstumschampion 2018.

FOCUS and Statista select Germany's fastest-growing companies
For the third time in succession, Statista and FOCUS have selected Germany’s companies with the highest rate of growth in sales. Statista filtered out the most promising 11,500 of the approximately 3.5 million companies stated in the business register and invited them to participate in the competition. Other companies with strong growth rates could applicate via a public tender. Finally, the 500 companies with the highest rate of growth in sales in the years 2013 to 2016 were listed in the FOCUS BUSINESS Magazin. An astonishing fact: the top 500 companies created more than 47,000 jobs during the survey period.
MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH is FOCUS Wachstumschampion · 2018
Only those companies growing fastest of a total of 12,150 German enterprises are selected as Champions of Growth. FOCUS states, that these outstanding companies give important impulses to economy and society, create jobs, generate economic growth, are innovators – and with their performancesecure the business location Germany in the long term.
Excellent technological advantage
MedTec has achieved its current top position because it consciously cultivates and combines its strengths. MedTec concentrates on continuously expanding its competence in medical technology and securing its position as world market leader in the field of therapeutically used MBST magnetic resonance technology by developing new patents and innovative products and services.
Health as an economic factor
Musculoskeletal disorders as a result of work are top of the list of statistics about work-related sickness in Germany and other industrialised countries. According to the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, almost 25% of sickleave days are due to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With advancing age, this figure rises to 35% in the age group over 55. Every fifth retirement because of a reduced earning capacity can be attributed to musculoskeletal disorders. With its therapeutic range, MedTec covers an enormous market that is constantly increasing worldwide due to demographic change. The MBST magnetic resonance therapy also contributes to cost reduction in the health care system.
Steadily rising treatment numbers
MedTec is a FOCUS Wachstumschampion because more and more patients ask for the MBST magnetic resonance therapy at the certified MBST treatment centres. To date, more than 1,000,000 therapy hours have already been applicated. The basis for the high demand for the therapy is the trust in the therapeutic efficacy of MBST, which has grown over two decades of application and is promoted by the very good treatment results.
Source: Magazine in PDF format (fee required) Website FOCUS BUSINESS