Experiences with MBST magnetic resonance therapy
Since 1998, patients have experienced the effects of MBST magnetic resonance therapy for themselves – more than 350,000 to date. We are presenting patient reports here that shall encourage you to find your own way of dealing with your condition. The stories describe personal, individual cases and are not transferable to other patients. The experiences report diagnoses, fears, sensations and the prodecdure of therapy. The original versions of the reports and the declarations of consent for publication are stored at MedTec. In order to protect the privacy of the patients, almost all reports are anonymized and use stock photos.

There is nothing more important than good health and the resulting high quality of life
The patient reports are for informational purposes only. In no case can and shall they replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment or be used as a basis for an independent change or termination of disease treatment. If you have any health-related questions or complaints, please always consult a doctor. The statements on the efficacy and tolerability of the MBST therapy are based on the experience of the treating physicians and their patients in the application of the therapy. Since every human being is different, the success of a method in medicine cannot be guaranteed.
You are important!
As a patient, you receive comprehensive medical care at your MBST treatment centre and your experiences and treatment successes may also help other people suffering from similar complaints. If you also want to share your patient report, please use our report form or send it to us by eMail.

LUCIA G., 21
Osteoarthritis of the jaw
Eating is fun again now
I have suffered from CMD, craniomandibular dysfunktion, for 5 years, that is a disorder in the cooperation of muscles, ligaments and joints of the masticatory apparatus. Because the symptoms vary very much it can take a long time until it is diagnosed correctly and then can be treated. That was also the case for me.
One symptom is long-persisting teeth grinding. As the jaw is practically always tense, I developed an arthritis of the jaw which caused most severe pain in both joints of the jaw for several years. I usually needed IBU 800 to get through the day. I could not eat banana or soup because my jaw was almost blocked and I could not open my mouth wide enough. But in contrast to other body parts, the jaw can't be rested. You need to eat, speak...
One day, the general practice I was working at got a new therapy system for the treatment of osteoarthritis. My boss suggested that I could try it first: "See, if it is worth its salt." At first, my problems increased which almost made me fall into despair. But fortunately, that was only for a short time. It is a sign that the body reacts, that it is working.
And that proved to be true because it really got better quite soon. 8 months later, I was free of complaints. I can open my mouth again normally and without pain. I wake up without that constant pain in the area of head, mouth and ear. Only since it is gone, I have realized how many symptoms had been caused by the disease. Those were no normal headaches for example. And eating is fun again now. Everything is great.

Pain after a fractured elbow and disc complaints
I highly recomment that therapy to anyone
Some years ago I suffered a fracture of my elbow in a sports accident. Surgery and rehabilitation were necessary. Unfortunately, the rehabilitation was hardly successful and I still was in great pain and my arm did not function properly afterwards. I could not fully stretch and hardly put stress on it.
After some years, I had lost all hope that the pain would recede with time. That is why I consulted my orthopaedist. She recommended MBST therapy and I agreed immediately.
The therapy started in January 2017. The effect set in immediately. Since then I am free of pain and I can move and use my arm completely.
I have also suffered from intervertebral disc complaints for years. Since the first therapy proved to be so successful, I decided to do the same treatment for my back. My doctor had some doubts because I am pretty overweight with 105 kg. But already the first therapy unit brought an improvement.
Therapy start was in April 2017. Until the first check-up in July I felt some pain from time to time but they were much slighter than before. At the time of the second check-up in November I was completely free of pain. I would repeat that kind of treatment if I need it and I highly recommend it to anyone.

WOLF H., 72
No more pain in the last 6 years
7 years ago I was virtually lieing on the operating table. I could say, the saw was already prepared for an artifical knee joint. Osteoarthritis grade IV in my right knee made many movements and activities difficult or just impossible for me. I was limping badly.
I had already reluctantly decided to have the operation because of the severity of my compliaints. The date had already been set. But then my wife saw an article in a paper about non-surgical treatment of arthrosis. She collected some more information and then suggested that I could try that at first.
So I consulted an orthopaedist close by who does MBST therapy and had it there. I am in public health insurance and had to bear the costs completely but who doesn't want to prevent an operation? The doctor said, grade IV arthrosis is only rated a therapy attempt because the degeneration had already progressed so far but I was ready to try anything.
I had to get up some stairs to get to the doctor’s practice. When I came in for the fourth treatment, I asked the doctor: Is it possible that I am already feeling an improvement? I felt like it was easier going up.
I had the therapy 6 years ago and since then, I have had no complaints at all. I go cycling again, I dance with my wife and I can go hiking. It was definitely worth trying for me.

I recommend trying it – you can gain so much
At first, I did not really notice how bad my hip had gotten because it was such a slow process. It had started many years ago and the distance I could walk was slowly but steadily decreasing. But it was fine when I did not put stress on the leg. That is why I always thought I had just done too much and a little rest would do the trick. After all, I am in my late 70s, so I thought, well, I am not getting younger.
I only realized how short my walking distance had become when my neighbours asked me about it. I could not do a single step without my hip making itself felt. The pain often spread down to my feet. I had a coxarthrosis grade III at that time.
We tried injections with cortisone then which did help but only for a few months. I don't like syringes so I did not want to do that long-term. But I also could not make the decision for surgery so my orthopaedist suggested MBST therapy which I then did.
It took about a month but then it really got better. I was not expecting that anymore actually but it improved steadily. Treatment was about 1 year ago. Today, I am to the greatest extent free of complaints, neither walking distance nor mobility are restricted. I am hopeful that it will stay like this, at least I don't feel any decline yet.
I recommend trying it. You can gain so much.

DR. I. T., 82
Double Gonarthrosis
No more waking up at night because of knee pain
Pain every day, at getting up, at walking. Sometimes in the right knee, sometimes in the left or in both. Every evening fearing waking up again with that knee pain. That was my life for several years.
Pain killers, injections, acupuncture or physiotherapy always only helped partly and for a short time. One year ago, I heard about MBST magnetic resonance therapy from my orthopaedist. I decided to try that and I am very happy I did.
No more waking up at night because of knee pain. No problems at walking. I can go shopping or for a walk. Only getting up the stairs is hard, depending on the day. And there are days, when one of the knees does hurt. But I can say: I am very content with the success of the MBST magnetic resonance therapy and thankful for the way it helped me.

Everything is great again now
A trailer painted in many colours in the high grass. The sun is shining on the small porch in front of the door. A dog enjoys its warmth. Flowers are in full bloom. Birds are chirping. Just beside the piece of land the water gurgles in the lake. It is a little paradise. And Astrid R. has created most of it with her own hands. Has converted the trailer, constructed the porch, tidied, always by herself. Until that was no longer possible.
It had started 2 years ago with a pain in the fingers. In the beginning it was hardly noticeable and only sometimes. Especially when it was cold. Stiff joints in the morning. But Astrid R.s condition deteriorated steadily. It did not take long until she could hardly move her fingers. DIY, caring for the garden – impossible. "I could not take hold of things. The strength in my hands was gone. And the pain had gotten very severe."
At that time, Astrid R. could not even use the electric drill, that she had used to build a new birdhouse in spring 2017, for two minutes. Diagnosis: progressed osteoarthritis of the finger joints. The options for treatment of that so called finger polyarthrosis are very limited. Artifical joints as they are frequently implanted in hips and knees are difficult because of the required fine-motor skills. Even her doctor advised against them because only a minority of patients reported to be satisfied with their finger endoprotheses. And with all fingers being affected, Astrid R. would have to have all of them operated.
She tried a lot, hoping to prevent surgery and the potential complications. "I tried virtually anything. Artichokes, some compounds containing clams. There is so much that is said to help but it was all a waste of time." At last, she went to an information evening about osteoarthritis. "I saw the ad in the newspaper and I thought: That is exactly the thing for you. You have to go there." And her gut feeling didn’t fail her.
After 9 treatment units MBST magnetic resonance therapy, the aim of being free of pain and able to use the hands was achieved. 4 weeks after the therapy, Astrid R. was nearly free of complaints. The 60-year-old is happy. "I can move everything again, my hands are strong. Now everything is great again. My quality of life has returned." The next projects for making her paradise garden even more beautiful are already being planned. Astrid R.s long list of ideas – now she can realise them.

Improved nerve pain and dysfunctional finger movement
A good side-effect
After the MBST therapy for treatment of her finger polyarthrosis in July 2016, Astrid R. was able to use her hands just as usual. Even demanding tasks at her plot of land beside the river, gardening and DIY were no problem.
After about a year, the complaints slowly started again. The pain did not return but the strength of her hands began to recede. Because of the positive experience with it, she decided to have another MBST therapy which started in September 2017. Again, her body responded very well to the treatment.
In addition, she experienced a surprising but very pleasant effect. In the previous year in August, Astrid R. had in an accident suffered a dislocated elbow and fractures of elbow and wrist which had to be operated. Also, the nerves in her left hand were damaged which caused grave functional disorders in little and ring finger and permanent nerve pain in the little finger. A cause could not be found. A neurologist diagnosed impaired nerves that need to recover.
But the regeneration of nerve fibres is very slow and pain and disorders remained for months – until the follow-up MBST therapy in July for the treatment of the osteoarthritis. But shortly after the therapy, the functional disorders as well as the nerve pain improved distinctly. In the meantime, motor function of both fingers has returned, the nerve pain is only slightly noticeable. Even when it is cold, the osteoarthritis does not cause pain and new DIY projects are already being planned.

my quality of life has improved with this treatment
I am 60 years old and could only walk up the stairs one by one because of the pain in my knee. I had to take pain killers up to 4 times a day and often woke up at night.
Prednisolon repeatedly only brought temporary relief. Hyaluronic acid also did not really work. In the end, the suggestion was endoprotheses.
I started the MBST magnetic resonance thearpy in November 2016. Until March, nothing happened. In April, I thought I felt a slight improvement. In June, it was distinctly happening. During the summer, I needed hardly any pain killers but could go cycling regularly. I can also normally walk up the stairs. I only seldomly need pain killers now and only when the stress in my job – I am a geriatric nurse – is very high or when I am feeling a bit under the weather.
My quality of life has improved with this treatment. But why does health insurance cover endoprotheses but not MBST magnetic resonance therapy?

Finger polyarthrosis
It was really worth it
I had suffered from osteoarthritis in all 10 fingers for some years. The changes in my joints were already visible. Several doctors could not help me. I was told that I would have to live with it. There was no therapy that could help. So I took 3–4 ibuprofen daily during an inflammatory episode to endure the pain.
One year ago, I consulted another orthopaedist who specialises in the treatment of osteoarthritis. He told me about MBST magnetic resonance therapy and raised my hopes for at least some pain relief. In total, I had 9 treatment units of 1 hour each.
Even in the first few sessions, I felt a tingling in the affected joints. Today, I can report that I have been free of pain for 13 months now. The visible changes in my fingers often could not be healed. But I am proud to say that I am still pain-free and MBST therapy has convinced me.
The costs were not covered by my health insurance and I had to pay them by myself. But it was really worth it. Yes, I would repeat that therapy if the pain comes back.

that is my health
For many years, I have had different kinds of problems with my knees. Meniscus at first, then osteoarthritis. Pain accompanied all of my days and my mobility was very much restricted.
I was operated and got an endoprotheses in my right knee in 2014. I don’t have any pain there but the flexibility is a massive problem. That is why I wanted to find another solution for my left knee.
Even though the damage to my left knee is considerable, I decided to have an MBST therapy in 2016. My orthopaedist had recommended it for me and I had heard a lecture about it. The success came fast. I have no more pain in my left knee for a whole year and I can walk much better again. I am afraid, I might have to have the operation on that knee as well eventually, but I have bought some time for which I am very grateful.
Of course I was sceptical at first after all that is my health. Maybe the health insurance will cover the costs in total or at least a part of it soon when they get to know that magnetic resonance therapy can be that successful.

Finger polyarthrosis
I am not afraid of a handshake anymore
I have osteoarthritis in my hands. When my fingers started hurting I thought, I might have worked too much in cold water. But I had pain in my hands, I couldn’t clench my hand into a fist, couldn’t grasp. Especially when someone squeezed my hand really hard to say hello.
My doctor recommended the MBST magnetic resonance therapy so I would not have to take pain killers. I thought about it for a while as the therapy is quite costly for a retiree. But as there is nothing else that helps with osteoarthritis I tried it cause I thought, it could only get better. And that is indeed what happened.
I had the treatment in February 2017. Now, at the end of the year, I am still free of pain. If it stays like that, I am happy that I had the therapy. I am not afraid of a handshake anymore and my rings also fit again. It would be great if also health insurance agreed and paid for it so even more patients could get help.

Gonarthrosis and bone bruise
Complete regression of bone necrosis without surgery
Early in the year I consulted the doctor because of massive complaints. I had put that off for as long as possible, waiting for it to improve by itself. But meanwhile the pain had become pretty severe and I could not bend my knee anymore as usual. Diagnosis was osteoarthritis of the knee. Because I had tried to rest the leg so much, the thigh muscles had started to degenerate.
The doctor gave me injections into the knee that helped for some time. But after a few months, the pain returned stronger than before and the next injections did not help as good as before. My doctor recommended an arthroscopy to be able to diagnose it better but I decided that the risk is too high and the surgeon also was doubtful. I mean, I am not exactly lean. Instead I had an MRI scan which showed that there was not only advanced arthrosis but also a bone edema which caused the pain and was almost bone necrosis. This can get serious and there are only few treatment options.
One is the magnetic resonance therapy that is supposed to work very well on that kind of thing, as my doctor said. And I can confirm that. I had 9 hours of therapy, one on each day.
I started feeling better even after the first 3 sessions. The pain had eased off and I was able to bend and stretch the knee again. Another MRI scan showed what I had already known by the improvement: the edema had regressed almost completely. And it seemed that the therapy had not only had an effect on the edema but also on the arthrosis. After 3 months, only little complaints remained and I could move and stress the leg without problems.
I am very happy that it worked so well beacuse this way I could prevent surgery and also further damage to the joint.

Postsurgical treatment of Hallux Valgus
MBST saved my wedding dance
The pain in the ball of my foot had been there for some time, sometimes slighter, sometimes stronger but it usually vanished again. But after I enrolled for a dance course together with my fiancee, it got really bad. The pain was so agonizing that I had to walk home barefoot. Diagnosis: genetically caused hallux valgus. I had 2 operations on it which left me with pain and an unpleasant scar. Even the softest shoes made the pain in my foot spread until my thigh. I was limping badly very often. But I so much wanted to wear the shoes of my dreams at my wedding dance. Is there a woman who wouldn’t? In my despair, I even thought of postponing the marriage altogether. But now the pain is finally gone!
I found the solution on the internet with the MBST magnetic resonance therapy. The active principle sounded great so I consulted an orthopaedist about it. Only 2 weeks after therapy the pain receded – today, it is gone. Improvement already started after a few days. My long years of pain have come to an end. I can highly recommend MBST magnetic resonance therapy! I can work without problems, exercise and dance with my fiancee. Wedding planning is at full blast and I am looking forward to waltzing in the shoes of my dreams.
A very special thanks!

Arthrosis of the finger joints
My life is back to normal – What luck!
So much I had given up... These fingers were not suitable for much anymore. Stiffness all the time, especially in the mornings. As if they were rusty. Making coffee required several minutes of stretching and bending. Otherwise I could not get my fingers around the cup. I felt like an old woman but I was only 58 years old.
And I don’t want to start with the permanent pain. At work, it was also difficult. Always trying to do what worked best and with as little pain as possible. Typing on the keyboard – oh dear. I had also given up my hobbies one after the other though I had always like the pottery classes very much. I missed that, especially the company. But after a long day I just couldn’t make the effort to fight with my own fingers again.
I heard about MBST therapy by chance, a patient at work told me about it. Of course, I thought about it for a while because of the costs, but who wants to be in pain all the time? I was treated in a specialized center for osteoarthritis treatment. 7 sessions, one hour per day. In the 3rd, it started to tingle. That was when I first believed that it might help.
After the 7th session I was alsmost free of pain and it kept improving during the next few weeks. Until now, the pain has not returned. My fingers are still a little stiff but special exercises helped me to be able to cope with that. Most important is that the pain is gone which makes exercising much easier. And I can do what I like now and the results even start looking good again, now I can concentrate on what I am doing and not on avoiding the most painful movements. My life is back to normal – what luck.

Arthrosis of the hip
Successful treatment of osteoarthritis – regained quality of life
I consulted the doctor because of a lasting pain in my hip. Not that strong but it still impeded walking and getting up the stairs very much. In the end, I could not walk more than 1.5 km. The orthopedist tried an injection of cortisone which helped for a short time. But surgery was not recommended because the degeneration of cartilage was not yet so bad.
In another specialized practice, the doctor very convincingly told me about magnetic resonance therapy as a longer-term treatment. The treatment was not very convenient at first but increased the pain which worried me. But after a while it improved slowly but steadily. In the middle of July, it was very good. Now, a few weeks alter, I have no more complaints. I cycle 10 km every day and hence have already lost 6 pounds. I can walk for about 3 hourse without any pain. That is a lot in my age, I think.
MBST has helped me very much and I have regained my quality of life. I recommend it anytime.

Arthrosis in both knee joints
Both knees are pain-free
First symptoms of gonarthrosis in both knees already appeared very early at the age of 40. Usually, older people are affected but apparently that is my "sore spot". Some years ago, I was given injections with hyluronic acid which helped. But when the osteoarthritis had advanced too far, the injections didn’t help against the pain anymore.
Surgery would have been the next option. But I hesitated because I would have to have made both knees. Anesthesia twice, in-patient twice, rehabilitation twice? Both knees are hardly ever operated at the same time and I also didn’t like the thought that I would not be able to compensate any complications with the other leg.
I saw an ad for an information evening on osteoarthritis treatment with MBST in the paper and definitely wanted to try that after the lecture. It seemed to have only advantages: no known side-effects, good success with arthrosis patients, free of pain, ambulant treatment. Additionally, both knees could be treated at the same time.
The treatment was no problem, I didn’t feel a thing. I was lieing on the couch quite comfortable so I even dosed off from time to time. It worked well and improvement came soon. At first in the right knee with the left catching up some weeks later. Both knees are almost pain-free now. I often think that I can’t feel my knees – the pain I had of course. These had become such a part of myself that it is were noticeable now that they have vanished. I probably have to get used to that. But that I will happily do.

Cartilage lesion and bone edema in the knee joint
Successful MBST therapy for cartilage lesion and bone marrow edema
Joint issues and cartilage defects are not only a problem of professional athletes. Anyone can be affected. My hobby is hockey for example. After a match, my left knee swelled up and hurt a lot. But I didn’t remember injuring myself. So I had an MRI to find out why.
The scans showed a meniscal lesion and a bone marrow edema in the left knee joint which had caused the swelling and the pain. A bone marrow edema is an accumulation of blood inside the bone which can develop due to injuries or being hit as it happens in sports.
With this diagnosis, I decided to use a therapy that I had applicated successfully on many patients: magnetic resonance therapy. The therapy has been used since 1999 with great success and to my knowledge has no side-effects. Depending on the severity of the complaint, therapy sessions with 5, 7 or 9 hours are prescribed that should be done on consecutive days.

Arthrosis of the knee joint
14 pills of pain killers didn’t help
When it was worst, I took up to 14 pills a day. The pain killers hardly helped. It began more than 7 years ago. I thought I had made a wrong movement, twisted the knee and tried to give it some rest even though I hated skipping training. Since the time I had been dancing in tournaments, training at least 3 times a week had become a part of my life.
But after a while all keeping still didn’t do any good. I could only pull myself up the stairs by clutching the bannister, each step a new climax of pain. The x-ray shows how bad the arthrosis in my knee had become. The orthopaedist recommended surgery and prothesis implantation. But I refused to accept that, fearing I would have to give up dancing for good. So I tried gymnastics and took pain killers until I could not endure it any longer.
In a magazine, I read about magnetic resonance therapy. My doctor was sceptical, he thought that the cartilage was already damaged too much for the therapy to have an effect. I still wanted to try and had 9 therapy units of 1 hour. At first, I didn’t feel al thing. Other patients said they had felt a tingling or warmth spreading through the joint treated. So I expected, it wouldn’t be able to help me. It took some time but that is understandable considering the amount of damage in my knee. 6 weeks later, I could feel something and then it got better all the time. That could even be seen on the x-rays.
Today, I can dance again even though I have to be a bit careful. But it is a lot after the bad phases when I was afraid I'd be forced into a wheel-chair. I am happy and a bit proud that the therapy worked so well for me that I can walk as good as I do now.

HORST A., 64
Arthrosis of the knee joint
Surgery is off the table
My left knee started aching after a long and exhausting day a twork. I didn’t give it much thought, after all I had had problems with it from time to time for about 10 years. I guess I am getting old, I always said to my wife. But this time, the pain didn’t stop again. I could hardly use the leg, bending the knee or walking down the stairs didn’t work anymore. I consulted a doctor because that was a grave restriction in my hobby and at work, I am working as a building expert. Advanced stage of damaged joint cartilage with the typical arthrotic chafing. The doctor told me to gird myself for the possibility of a bigger operation to implant an artificial knee joint. He referred me to the hospital who directly set a date for the operation. Another clinic confirmed the diagnosis. I had come there to get a second opinion because being self-employed I could hardly afford not working for such a long time for surgery and rehabilitation. It improved a bit after that so I postponed the operation again.
Then a friend told me about a treatment called magnetic resonance therapy. I am open to new things so I had a consultation in a treatment centre. I thought, why not try that before you get operated? It looks a bit like magnetic resonance tomograph but much smaller and you don’t feel a thing when you put the leg into that ring for an hour. I always made crossword puzzles. A slight improvement started right after the treatment and it kept improving until about 6 months after treatment. It is not unusual that the best result is only reached after half a year. I repeated the treatment about one and a half year later. When before I walked down the stairs backwards and tried to relieve the leg as much as possible, I have no more problems now. I can report that I can live absolutely normal without any restrictions or fear of movements. Surgery is off the table.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint
I feel more secure in anything I do
As a geriatric nurse, I am dependent on my body’s functioning. Many of the people I care for need to know that I can reach them quickly and help them with their daily tasks and that they can lean on me if they need it. When my left knee started to hurt, I tried to cope with it. Acupuncture, a cuff for the knee and pain killers helped a bit but that is no solution for the problem. I kept on doing gymnastics, hoping I would be able to compensate better if I remained fit.
In the internet, MBST magnetic resonance therapy came to my attention. I also found an orthopedist who applicates that method. Not very close to my home but that didn’t matter much to me. I wanted to avoid surgery if possible but I also didn’t want to resign myself to the pain and the limitations I still had despite all therapy attempts.
I started feeling better after the MBST treatment which lasted for one and a half weeks. A few weeks later I was surprised by how many movements I could do easier and without any pain, for instance getting into the car. My next door neighbour told me that she had noticed that about me. And my friends at the gymnastics class were amazed that I was able to stand on my left leg only for getting changed without sitting down. At work, everything is easier. I don’t have to call a colleague to help when I have to lift bedridden patients for fear of not being able to manage when pain suddenly sets in. I feel more secure in anything I do.

Spinal stenosis
Where else can you buy health?
What I have is called spinal stenosis. It is like an arthrosis of the spine which constricts the vertebral canal squeezing the nerves in the spinal cord. Sitting worked quite well but I could hardly walk anymore. Even short walks were so bad that I stayed at home more and more. And that when I had been looking forward so much to enjoying that huge amount of time that I would have in retirement that I planned to use to for seeing everything I had not succeeded to visit before. And I had my Seppel who didn’t get out of the house anymore together with me. Just a few steps for walkies, that is just not enough for him but I couldn’t do more.
Physiotherapy didn’t help at all because my pains are caused by the bone narrowing and not the muscles. But surgery on the spine I feared at my age, too risky with 68. My orthopaedist suggested to try the MBST therapy which he had until then only used on patients with osteoarthritis of the knee but with good success. And: 5 months after the treatment I was able to walk in a holiday in the alps 6 hours daily for 3 weeks!
7 years later I am still content with the result. We can go for long walks. Every day, morning and night, for an hour. No problems walking up, few walking down, but that is due to my age.
Unfortuantely I know that the disease itself is not gone. When the symptoms return, a moment I am dreading very much, MBST again immediately. Where else can you buy health?

GRETA S., 77
Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint
I am ready to live like that for a long time
I know that I am not that fit anymore. Walking is difficult, has been for some time, but I could cope quite well at home. Some pinching here and there, I can put down to old age. That is why I only consulted my doctor when I really couldn’t take it anymore and my shoulder hurt with every movement. I only then realized how much you are moving the shoulders. I always like knitting for example and made a lot for my grandchildren. Even the big one, she is 15, sometimes ordered things from me. But I stopped enjoying it because of that pain.
My granddaughter talked me into speaking with the doctor. I tried some kind of radiation for it but that didn’t work. Then he proposed MBST therapy. I was not convinced, especially as it felt quite difficult to climb on that treatment couch and lie there for a while. But then it was surprisingly comfortable and the girl there was very nice and helped me.
It helped quite well, it improved distinctly. After 10 weeks, I had less pain. It is not gone completely, about 70% I would say. But that is fine. I am old, I always have some ache in one place or other. But I am ready to live like that for a long time.
And the big one is happy, not only because of her new jumper. See, now I have also done something for you, she said.

Arthrosis of the knee joint
The back is next
Sport has always been a part of my life. I like hiking and I have been skiing for 50 years. But for some years I have started to feel the large amount of stress that is for the joints. The last time, my right knee, that works perfectly well in everyday life, started swelling up. In the skiing holidays, I could practically see how it bulged more and more every day. Cooling it and a day of rest only helped a little and I wanted to be on the ski-run as much as possible.
"Too little remaining cartilage in the knee" was the diagnosis, cartilage degeneration. I tried hyaluronic acid and only light exercise but that helped only for some time. So I started wearing a cuff all the time to lift off some of the stress and it really reduced the swelling a little.
I tried MBST therapy in August 2016 and directly during the session I felt that it was working inside. It is a bit like lymph massage, you feel that the flow is better, you feel there is more activity.
In the next holiday, I left off the cuff to see if something had changed. In September I went hiking and in January 2017 skiing. Both times without the cuff and there was only a little swelling. I just finished a second series for refreshement and I am eager to see how it develops in the next months. But the result until now is very pleasing. I think, the back is next because that has also been causing problems. Let’s see how that works.