Medical references
We share the vision of our users
To offer a high-quality, effective therapy to patients with degenerative diseases or injuries of the musculoskeletal system!
Quality criteria for FOCUS TOP-doctors fulfilled
58 MBST users achieved particularly many positive evaluations and are therefore top of the list of German physicians according to the strict quality criteria. They are recommended as leading physicians in their regions. 3 physicians are even ranked as TOP physicians, experts in their field with an above-average amount of recommendations. These TOP physicians are Dr. Cordelia Schott, Essen, and Dr. Jörg Henning, Klinikum Lahnhöhe in Lahnstein for pain therapy, as well as Dr. Hartmut Stinus from Orthopaedicum Northeim. All these renowned physicians, who are also recommended by an above-average number of patients, use MBST magnetic resonance technology in their practices for the successful treatment of a variety of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal and locomotor system.

Dr. med. J. Henning, Clinic Lahnhöhe
"MBST magnetic resonance therapy increases patients’ contentment and is a perfect complement of conservative treatment concepts."

Dr. med. Thomas Bombel, Brackenheim
"I am grateful that with MBST I have a treatment concept that the patients accept much more than I would have thought."

Dr. med. Joachim Overbeck, Deggendorf
"MBST magnetic resonance therapy has excellent results also in the treatment of disorders of bone metabolism."

drs. (NL) Dr. med. Tom Berg, Damme
"MBST is preferable to other methods of therapy because studies have shown that the cartilage has become thicker and more resilient again which is confirmed by our experiences."

Dr. med. René Toussaint, Leipzig
"There is a broad field of application for the treatment in professional sports that has high demands regarding a fast and successful course of healing up to fitness to compete. MBST magnetic resonance therapy is a modern non-invasive that can be used in sports medicine for the treatment of various sports injuries or consequences of overstressing. It shortens the biological course of healing considerably and thus supports the goal of every athlete: return to sports. That is also especially important in handball."

Dr. med. Stefan Lipski, Seevetal
"The advantage of MBST magnetic resonance therapy is that its approach is causal therefore it is clearly superior to therapies with a purely symptomatic approach."
Dr. med. Petra Höfert, Potsdam
"The resulting complete freedom of pain of a part of the treated patients is really impressive. MBST magnetic resonance therapy is my first choice in the treatment of fingerpolyarthrosis now!"
Matthias W. Hötzel, Montabaur
"MBST is a therapy that stands out from other treatment methods regarding treatment success and sustainability."

Paul Schepers, Cologne
"For nearly 20 years now, we at the Centre for osteoarthritis and osteoporosis treatment Cologne have had good experiences with the MBST magnetic resonance therapy. Many patients with osteoarthritis have regained freedom of pain, mobility and an improved quality of life – completely without surgery. Therapeutically used magnetic resonance has become a backbone of my medical work that I don't want to miss anymore for my patients’ sake."

Dr. med. Ulrich Frohberger, Münster
"MBST has a unique ratio of expected effect and lack of undesirable side effects."
Dr. med. Werner Menzler, Schweinfurt
"MBST magnetic resonance therapy has been a top option in my treatment of degenerative and posttraumatic joint diseases for more than 10 years. It is a very pleasant method for the patients because of the lack of undesirable side effects and the comfortable application that promises a long-lasting reduction of complaints and improved mobility."
Dr. med. Andreas Venninger, Dossenheim
"MBST magnetic resonance therapy of the newest device generation does not only optimally complement my range of non-surgical, holistically structured therapy approaches – she has revolutionised it fundamentally. From my own experiences, I can only confirm the available, consistently positive reports. I am convinced that I can offer a very high standard of therapy with MBST."

Dr. med. Christoph Buck, Ulm
"In my orthopaedic practice also professional and top athletes of soccer, basketball, tennis and athletics have been treated successfully with MBST magnetic resonance therapy in the last 10 years. The therapy has been used for the treatment of cartilage defects and damage due to overstress on joints and tendons as well as for regeneration after trauma including bone and cartilage edemas (bone bruise), after surgery and for osteochondritis dissecans."

Prof. Dr. Bruno Baumann, Kalkar
"Used differentiatedly within a systematic therapy concept, MBST magnetic resonance therapy is already a blessing for our patients and I determine a massive potential for further development in this method."

Roland Opel, Riesa
"For 10 years now, I have been treating osteoarthritis and osteoporosis successfully with MBST magnetic resonance therapy in my practice. I use the therapeutic magnetic resonance for patients with diverse indications. I don't know of any other treatment method that has equally positive results."

Dr. med. Lutz Fahrig & Team, Braunschweig
"A highly effective therapy that is also pleasant and has virtually no side-effects. Most of the patients I have treated with MBST are very satisfied."

Dr. med. Heino Kniffler, Dr. med. Klaus-Wolfgang Richter, Dr. med. Carsten Dehler, Kelkheim
"Highly effective therapy for osteoarthritis and osteoporosis without undesirable side-effects and a sustainable pain reduction."

Reinhard Bensch, Pulheim
"Safest method that has a proven positive effect on the cartilage."

Dr. med. Peter Krapf, Trier
"I have been using alternative, effective therapies in my more than 25 years practice as orthopaedist and doctor for natural medicine. Even after many years of using MBST, I am still amazed by the treatment results."
Dr. med. Thorsten Muthorst, Bad Salzhausen
"The MedizinZentrum Bad Salzhausen has acquired the therapy devices ARTHRO·SPIN·LIFT and ARTHRO·SPIN·FLEX to fulfill the high demands of our Asian patients. The positive effect on arthritic complaints was as expected. But I was surprised by the good effects on spine syndromes. For example, the complaints with the lumbar spine of a German patient, 81, were reduced so much after 4 sessions that she showed up to her 5th treatment session without her cane."

Dr. med. Regina Langhammer, Dr. med. Stefan Balkausky, Bremen
"We use the MBST therapy because it is the most effective non-invasive treatment method for osteoarthritis."
Bernhard Roth, Bensheim
"My wife’s treatment absolutely convinced me of MBST therapy. She suffered from gonarthrosis with severe pain and underwent an arthroscopic operation twice, even by well-known orthopaedists in Heidelberg and Pforzheim. All other conservative treatments had also been tried but without success. After 9 MBST sessions she has been free of pain until today. She can even dance again."

Dr. med. Marko Niederhaus, Dr. med. Martin Kippels, Cologne
"The first choice for the treatment of osteoarthritis and tendinitis. Often, surgery can be prevented or postponed for a long time. As we are doing all kinds of surgery in our practice, we are in a good position to evaluate this conservative alternative."

Dr. med. Hendrik Reinwald, Gedern
"I have made good and very good experiences with MBST magnetic resonance therapy for the treatment of degenerative diseases of the peripheral joints for several years. Again and again, the results surprised me positively. All grades of osteoarthritis can be treated without side-effects but with a good chance for success. Therefore, I have extended the treatment range that I had with the arm-leg-therapy device in my practice. I have also acquired a treatment couch and I am expecting similarily good results in the treatment of osteoporosis and spine complaints."

Dr. med. Hans-Christof Reitzner, Dr. med. Martin Stock, Sinsheim
"We have changed from using magnetic field therapy to MBST. The patients’ reaction to this therapy is usually much earlier and it is extremely seldom that there is no reaction to MBST if the indication has been determined thoroughly.We don’t want to miss MBST as a therapy option in our practice!"

Dr. med. Thorsten Schubert, Dr. med. Bernd Schaefer, Dr. med. Gerald Eggers-Stroeder, Hamburg
"We recommend MBST magnetic resonance therapy as preventive, cartilage regenerating therapy for moderately severe osteoarthritis of small and big joints."

Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Völker, Berlin
"In my opinion, MBST is the most effective and long-lasting therapy for osteoarthritis."

Dr. med. Uwe Wegner, Hannover
"MBST magnetic resonance therapy is highly suitable for the treatment of sports injuries. I also use it during competitions of the national track and field athletics team. It works very well in the very common case of stress reactions of the bones. MBST is the optimal impuls to get the patient in motion from the inside."

Dr. med. Erwin Weijnen, Nürnberg
"Our principle: Efficacy without side effects is absolutely true for MBST magnetic resonance therapy."

Dr. med. Irena Klemmt, Berlin
"MBST magnetic resonance therapy completes multimodal pain therapy, complementary to other therapy options."

Dr. med. Norbert Kaltenkirchen, Trier
"MBST magnetic resonance therapy is helpful and extends the life cycle of joints."

Dr. med. Thomas Grießer, Lüdenscheid
"MBST magnetic resonance therapy convinces with its biological active principle, is free of side effects and highly effective."

Dr. med. Thomas Lagodka, Bonn
"MBST magnetic resonance therapy is a biophysical treatment approach which causes an exceptional reduction of complaints in a great deal of cases."

Dr. med. Harald Oliver Dorndorf, Marburg
"MBST is gentle and innovative – the perfect complementation of my range of therapies."

Silke Bretz, Walsrode
"Amazing results are possible, even in cases where you are not expecting it to help."

Dr. med. Karsten Christesen, Hamburg
"Joint preserving magnetic resonance therapy – nothing is better than the own joint."

Dr. med. Rainer Biglmaier, Berlin
"The very modern MBST therapy complements the range of surgical and conservative treatment options in my practice. My patients are predominantly content with MBST magnetic resonance therapy. The method excellently rounds up my spectrum of therapies."

Dr. med. Thomas Arndt, Dr. med. Jörg-Christian Struck, Celle
"MBST convinced us with the wide options of indications, ranging from osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and metabolic bone disorders up to injuries of muscles, tendons and ligaments."

Gerhard Breier, Köln
"Using a painless and non-invasive therapy for treating a painful joint inflammation, is possible elegantly with MBST. All structures of joints, bone, cartilage and ligaments are regenerated and the functionality is restored without risks and side effects."

Galina Degner, Chemnitz
"MBST magnetic resonance therapy is a highly efficient, targeted therapeutic method for the treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis."

Dipl.-Med. Thomas Kiel, Bitburg
"MBST magnetic resonance therapy is a sensible therapy at an early stage that helps to prevent long-term damages."

Dr. med. Karin Krüger, Schwerin
"A reduction of pain and improved mobility for „Eine Schmerzreduktion und Verbesserung der Mobilität für ein hohes Maß an Lebensqualität ist mit der MBST Kernspinresonanz-Therapie erreichbar.“

Dr. Achim Lüth, Freiburg
„Durch die chondroregenerative MBST-Therapie bieten wir unseren Patienten mehr als nur reine Symptombekämpfung an. Wir können krankheitsmodifizierend den Verlauf der Arthrose positiv beeinflussen.“

Dr. Thomas Nöcker, Naunhof
„MBST hat mich durch die hocheffektive Wirkung ohne Nebenwirkungen in der Behandlung von Arthrose und Osteoporose überzeugt.“

Dr. Stefan Lipski, Seevetal
„Die MBST Kernspinresonanz-Therapie stellt eine schmerzfreie, nebenwirkungsfreie, moderne Methode der Knorpelregeneration dar.“

Dr. Thomas Bether, Dr. Claudia Schmidt, Dr. Beate Müller, Freital
„MBST-Therapie ist eine sehr gute, nebenwirkungsfreie Behandlungsalternative bei chronischen Gelenkbeschwerden.“

Dr. Raymond Young, Hannover
„Wir nutzen MBST, weil wir Gelenke lieber erhalten statt ersetzen.“

Dr. Lothar Weiß, Rastatt
„MBST ist eine Behandlungsform, die in ihrer Wirkung weit über dem sog. Placeboeffekt (30%) liegt. Sie ist wissenschaftlich und statistisch überwacht, bietet eine nebenwirkungsfreie effektive Stimulierung des Bewegungsapparates und somit ein überaus physiologisches Behandlungskonzept. Sie lässt sich mit weiteren Therapieschemen problemlos kombinieren.“