MBST wins German Brand Award and recevies a Special Mention as Brand Innovation of the Year
The German Brand Award 2020 "Excellent Brands" honours the best product and company brands of an industry. After last year’s success, MedTec participated again with MBST. In the category "Health & Pharmaceuticals" the "Brand Innovation of the Year" is also awarded. The jury of experts honoured MedTec with a "Special Mention" for its digitcal concept and the therapy device OSTEO·SPIN.
On the 18th of June 2020, MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH from Wetzlar was again awarded with the German Brand Award for its MBST magnetic resonance therapy.
GERMAN BRAND AWARD · The strongest brands in Germany
The German Brand Award is awarded for the best innovative brands. The role of MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH as innovator and the success of its brand MBST magnetic resonance therapy is honoured as “Winner” out of 1,200 applications from 14 countries. That also pays tribute to the situation that the innovative therapy as well as the design which is optimised for doctor and patient are completely Made in Germany.
The German Brand Institute donates one of the most important German awards for brands. The German Brand Award discovers, honours and presents unique brands and brand makers. An independent, first-rate jury of experts from brand economy and brand science assesses the winners according to transparent criteria.
MBST magnetic resonance therapy
German Brand Award 2020 · WINNER

On the 18th of June 2020, MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH from Wetzlar has again won the German Brand Award for its MBST magnetic resonance therapy. With this award, the global leader in the field of therapeutically used MBST magnetic resonance technology has convinced the jury of experts with MBST for the second time in the category “Excellent Brands – Health & Pharmaceuticals”. After the first success in 2019, the MBST magnetic resonance therapy was awarded for a second time by the independent and first rate jury of experts. It is now in a class of its own.
MBST · In a class of its own
The role of MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH as innovator and the success of its brand MBST magnetic resonance therapy is honoured as “Winner” out of 1,200 applications from 14 countries. Initiator of the German Brand Awards is the Rat für Formgebung which was founded by the German Bundestag and sponsored by the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie in 1953. Today, the circle of sponsors includes more than 320 enterprises. For more than 60 years, the foundation’s objective has been the support of the competing power of German companies on a national and international scale.
Health Made in Germany
Only few companies and brands have a worldwide unique product portfolio. One of these is MedTec with MBST. With the therapeutically used MBST magnetic resonance technology, MedTec has developed from a pioneer to a world market leader with the aim to establish the MBST therapy as a global standard treatment not only for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. MBST was developed to enable the targeted transfer of energy into diseased or damaged tissue and stimulate it on a molecular level without surgery or invasive treatment, intravenous infusions or injections, drugs, exposure to radiation, side effects or interactions.
Our health is possibly the most important requirement to feel good, be mobile and productive and have joy in life. Health depends on several different factors. Some of these we can influence ourselves, others not. Targeted prevention and adequate therapies can help to support the health systematically up until old age. This is the main field of action for MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH from Wetzlar and the worldwide patented MBST magnetic resonance therapy.
Brand Innovation of the Year · Special Mention

The digital concept and the OSTEO·SPIN also received a "Special Mention" in the category "Health & Pharmaceuticals".
Osteoporosis is a wide-spread disease in the elderly population. But diagnosis and therapy of bone loss still has a lot of room for improvement. To lower the risk for first and follow-up fractures, an early treatment is inevitable. New research findings1 show for example that starting a therapy with anti-resorptive drugs has to be put into question in the case of patients with a high risk for fractures. OSTEO·SPIN offers a new and innovative therapy approach for osseous structures and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
OSTEO·SPIN is a newly developed hightech whole-body therapy system which allows reliable, gentle and safe treatment of osseous structures for example in the treatment of osteopenia, osteoporosis and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. It is also used in case of disorders of bone metabolism, multiple fractures and for active acceleration of healing processes.
Excellent Brands · Category Health & Pharmaceuticals
Voraussetzung für eine Teilnahme am German Brand Award ist eine Nominierung durch das German Brand Institute, seine Markenscouts und Expertengremien – das garantiert die hohe Qualität des Awards.Der German Brand Award begreift und prämiert Marken ganzheitlich. Mit seinen Kriterien und Wettbewerbsklassen trägt er den vielfältigen Facetten der professionellen Markenführung Rechnung: Prämiert wird in den Wettbewerbsklassen „Excellent Brands“ und „Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation“. „Excellent Brands“ prämiert die besten Produkt- und Unternehmensmarken einer Branche. Health & Pharmaceuticals beinhaltet z. B. Krankenhäuser, Pflegeeinrichtungen, Gesundheitsdienstleistungen, Medizintechnik und Medizinprodukte sowie Arzneimittel.
For the best of German brands: The German Brand Award.
The German Brand Institute awards one of the most important German awards for brands in Germany. The award discovers, honours and presents unique brands and brand makers. Previous winners include the German Soccer League, Famigros, Lufthansa AG, MediaMarkt and Schwarzkopf.
Rat für Formgebung · German Design Council
The German Design Council is one of the leading international competence centres for design. Founded in 1953, it has more than 280 members today and is Germany’s leading design and brand authority. Initiated by the German Bundesrat and sponsored by German industry, it has been supporting companies in their brand and design development for more than 60 years, strengthening German design as an economic factor. It has a decisive influence on Germany’s design culture and offers a unique forum for transfer of knowledge of brand and design competence.
The German Design Council regularly honours the best in their discipline with its world-renowned awards. It discovers, awards prizes and promotes top-class design – be it product design, architecture, communication design or brand management. Whether German Design Award, German Brand Award, German Innovation Award, ICONIC AWARDS, Automotive Brand Contest or others: The competitions initiated by the German Design Council have a high reputation worldwide that by far exceeds specialist circles.
The history of the German Design Council is closely linked to the history of German design culture. It has been a major influence. For decades, the German Design Council has been promoting the international reputation of German design, reviving the design debate and advising well-known companies and brands. As "the design authority of Germany", it now stands for a holistic concept of design that encompasses both cultural and economic values. For 65 years, the German Design Council has been helping to strengthen design as an economic factor and to make Germany a successful design nation.
MBST: "Winner" of the German Brand Award 2019 · Category: Excellent Brands

Already in the last year, MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH from Wetzlar has been awarded as winner in the category "Health & Pharmaceuticals" with its MBST magnetic resonance therapy. In addition, MBST Magnetic Resonance Therapy has also received a "Special Mention" in the category "Excellent Brands" as Product Brand of the Year.
Jury members were: Chairman of the jury Andrej Kupetz, Chief Director of the Rat für Formgebung, Frankfurt am Main · Dr. Saskia Diehl, Managing Director of GMK Markenberatung, Cologne · Lutz Dietzold, Managing Director of the Rat für Formgebung, Frankfurt am Main · Günter Moeller, Managing Director of hm+p Hermann, Moeller + Partner, Munich · Stefan Raake, Managing Director of AMC Finanzmarkt GmbH, Düsseldorf · Prof. Dr. Simone Roth, Professor for Marketing at the University Ruhr West, Muelheim · Christian Rummel, Deputy Global Head of Brand Communications & Corporate Social Responsibility Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main · Prof. Mike Richter, Vice Dean of the University of Darmstadt, Co-Founder of iconmobile GmbH, Berlin.

"We are delighted to receive this new award, which confirms from an independent source that MBST is not only a unique technology, but also has an outstanding position in medical technology," says Sales & Marketing Director Guido Finkes.
"The award is a great honour for our company and our employees, as all measures relating to the successful MBST brand are implemented exclusively internally in a highly motivated team. We see the award as confirmation and recognition that our communication is appreciated by customers, patients and medical experts alike," says Axel Muntermann, Managing Director of MedTec.
Excellent Brands · Kategorie Health & Pharmaceuticals
The prerequisite for the participation in the German Brand Award is a nomination by the German Brand Institute, its brand scouts and expert committees – this guarantees the high quality of the award. The various criteria and competitive categories take into account the many facets of professional brand management: awards are presented in the categories "Excellent Brands" and "Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation". "Excellent Brands" applauds the best product and company brands within a branch of industry. "Health & Pharmaceuticals" includes, for example, hospitals, care facilities, health services, medical technology and medical products as well as pharmaceuticals.
Mit MBST Kernspinresonanz-Therapie ist die MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH aus Wetzlar im Bereich „Excellent in Brands“ in der Kategorie Health & Pharmaceuticals als Sieger ausgezeichnet worden. Darüber hinaus hat MBST Kernspinresonanz-Therapie auch eine "Special Mention" im Bereich "Excellent Brands" als Product Brand of the Year erhalten. Ein unabhängiges, hochkarätig besetztes Gremium von Experten der Markenwirtschaft und -wissenschaft bewertet die Gewinner nach transparenten Kriterien.
MBST ist "Special Mention" des German Brand Award 2019 · Kategorie: Product Brand of the Year

Die MBST Kernspinresonanz-Therapie wurde bei der Preisverleihung des German Brand Award in Berlin am 6. Juni 2019 als Gewinner ausgezeichnet. Stellvertretend für das gesamte Team der MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH nahm der CMO · Sales & Marketing Director Guido Finkes die Auszeichnungen entgegen.
Voraussetzung für eine Teilnahme am German Brand Award ist eine Nominierung durch das German Brand Institute, seine Markenscouts und Expertengremien – dies garantiert die hohe Qualität des Awards. Die Kategorie, in welcher MBST gleich zwei Mal ausgezeichnet wurden – Health & Pharmaceuticals –, beinhaltet z. B. Kliniken, Krankenhäuser, Gesundheitsdienstleistungen, Medizintechnik und Medizinprodukte sowie Arzneimittel.
Die MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH hat mit MBST im Bereich "Ecellent Brands" 2019 eine "Special Mention" in der Kategorie Health & Pharmaceuticals als Product Brand of the Year erhalten.
„Wir freuen uns über diese erneute Auszeichnung, die uns von unabhängiger Stelle bestätigt, dass wir mit MBST nicht nur über eine einzigartige Technologie, verfügen sondern auch eine herausragende Position in der Medizintechnik aufgebaut haben“, sagt CMO · Guido Finkes.
Für die Besten der deutschen Markenlandschaft: Der German Brand Award.
Mit dem German Brand Award vergibt das German Brand Institute einen der wichtigsten deutschen Markenpreise. Er entdeckt, prämiert und präsentiert einzigartige Marken und Markenmacher. Letztjährige Gewinner waren unter anderem DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga, Famigros, Lufthansa AG, MediaMarkt und Schwarzkopf.
Rat für Formgebung · German Design Council
Der Rat für Formgebung gehört zu den international führenden Kompetenzzentren für Design. 1953 gegründet, hat er heute über 280 Mitglieder und ist die Design- und Markeninstanz Deutschlands. Initiiert vom deutschen Bundesrat, gestiftet von der deutschen Industrie unterstützt er seit über 60 Jahren Unternehmen bei ihrer Marken- und Designentwicklung und stärkt deutsches Design als Wirtschaftsfaktor. Er prägt die Designkultur Deutschlands entscheidend mit und bietet ein einzigartiges Forum für Wissenstransfer von Marken- und Designkompetenz.
Mit seinen weltweit anerkannten Awards zeichnet der Rat für Formgebung regelmäßig die Besten ihrer Disziplin aus. Er entdeckt, prämiert und fördert hochkarätige Gestaltung – sei es Produktdesign, Architektur, Kommunikationsdesign oder Markenführung. Ob German Design Award, German Brand Award, German Innovation Award, ICONIC AWARDS, Automotive Brand Contest oder andere: Die vom Rat für Formgebung initiierten Wettbewerbe genießen weltweit ein hohes Ansehen, weit über Fachkreise hinaus.
Die Geschichte des Rat für Formgebung ist mit der Historie deutscher Designkultur eng verbunden und prägte sie entscheidend mit. Seit Jahrzehnten stärkt er die internationale Reputation deutschen Designs, belebt die Designdebatte und berät namhafte Unternehmen und Marken. Als „die Designinstanz Deutschlands“ steht er heute für einen ganzheitlichen Designbegriff, der gleichermaßen kulturelle wie wirtschaftliche Werte umfasst. Seit 65 Jahren trägt der Rat für Formgebung dazu bei, Design als Wirtschaftsfaktor zu stärken und Deutschland zu einer erfolgreichen Designnation zu machen.