Overview of MBST therapy devices*
High-tech medical technology · TUEV certified quality · CE marking
The MBST therapy system is part of complementary medicine. It is used as supplemental or alternative treatment of painful, degenerative and/or pathological changes or injuries of the musculoskeletal system. The MBST therapy system encompasses therapy devices for operation in professional medical health care centres and mobile mecial care. Some can also be used for treatment in private households under physician’s supervision.
German workmanship and enthusiasm for continuous development made us world market leader in the field of therapeutically used magnetic resonance technology
One reason for the national and international success of the MBST therapy is the technical progression of the therapy devices. Since market release in 1999, they are constantly further developed. Our priority is the efficacy of the treatment but also the safety and comfort of the patients. This benefits patients, doctors, clinics and health insurance funds.
Highest standards of quality for your MBST treatment
To guarantee our high quality standard, we have founded the MBST quality network (MBST-Qualitätsverbund). All MBST therapy devices are operated by MedTec certified, trained and competent medical staff. All MBST users are certified annually to assure compliance with the standards.
MBST magnetic resonance therapy system · Device classes
All MBST magnetic resonance therapy devices are manufactured with greatest care and in the same quality. The therapy device classes are differentiated by their construction which defines the treatment options and the treatment areas.

Treatment areas: MBST treatment couch for shoulder, back, spine, intervertebral discs, hip, leg, double-knee
ARTHRO·SPIN·FLEX is a flexible MBST magnetic resonance treatment couch of the newest device generation for the treatment areas shoulder, back, spine, intervertebral discs, hip, legs and both knees. The field volume of approx. 150 litres and the lieing surface with a length of 200 cm are designed for efficient and comfortable treatment of patients of nearly every age and size. Improved technological components increase the number of possible indications.

Treatment areas: MBST treatment unit for arm, elbow, hand, finger, leg, knee, foot and toes
ARTHRO·SPIN·LIFT is a flexible MBST magnetic resonance treatment unit of the newest device generation for the treatment areas arm, elbow, hand, finger, leg, knee, foot and toes. The rollable and multi-adjustable therapy device is designed for the treatment of patients of almost any age and body size. The body part to be treated can always be optimally positioned due to the variability of the vertically, horizontally and tilt-adjustable magnetic resonance unit. Improved technological components increase the number of treatable indications.

Treatment areas: whole-body
OSTEO·SPIN is the next generation of whole-body therapy devices that are constructed for the treatment of osteoporosis, osteopenia, other metabolic disorders of the bones and multiple fractures. Planned market entry: 3rd quarter 2019

Treatment areas: MBST treatment couch for shoulder, back, spine, intervertebral discs, hip, leg, double-knee
OPEN·SYSTEM·700 is a flexible MBST magnetic resonance treatment couch for the treatment areas shoulder, back, spine, intervertebral discs, hip, legs and both knees. The field volume of approx. 150 litres and the lieing surface with a length of 200 cm allow efficient and comfortable treatment of patients of nearly every age and size.

Treatment areas: MBST treatment unit for arm, elbow, hand, finger, leg, knee, foot and toes
OPEN·SYSTEM·350 is a flexible MBST magnetic resonance treatment unit for the treatment areas arm, elbow, hand, finger, leg, knee, foot and toes. The combination of a mobile magnetic resonance unit and a comfortable chair allows efficient treatment of patient of nearly every age and size.

Treatment areas: whole-body
OSTEO·SYSTEM is a MBST magnetic resonance treatment couch that allows whole-body treatment of osteoporosis. It is used for the treatment of osteoporosis, osteopenia, other metabolic disorders of the bones and fractures. The development of special magnetic resonance components made it possible to expand the treatment field over the whole body.
Note: This therapy device is no longer in production but is still in active use.

Treatment areas: mobile MBST therapy system for shoulder, spine, arm, elbow, hand, finger, hip, leg, knee, feet and toes
PRO·MOBIL allows the application of a MBST magnetic resonance therapy after doctor’s prescription and instruction at nearly any place, also at home. Treatment areas are shoulder, spine, arm, elbow, hand, finger, hip, leg, knee, foot and toes. With the combination of a mobile magnetic resonance control unit and up to 2 applicators, patients of nearly every age and size can be treated effciently.

Treatment areas: MBST treatment couch for shoulder, back, spine, hip, leg and double-knee
CLOSED·SYSTEM·600 is a MBST magnetic resonance treatment couch of the first device generation with a closed applicator system for the treatment areas shoulder, back, spine, hip, leg and double-knee. The sliding lying surface allows ideal positioning of the body part to be treated within the treatment field.
Note: This therapy device is no longer in production but is still in active use.

Treatment areas: MBST treatment unit for arm, elbow, hand, finger, leg, knee, foot and toes
CLOSED·SYSTEM·300 is a MBST magnetic resonance treatment unit of the first generation with a closed applicator system for the treatment areas arm, elbow, hand, finger, leg, knee, foot and toes. The combination of a mobile magnetic resonance unit and a comfortable chair allows efficient treatment of patient of nearly every age and size.
Note: This therapy device is no longer in production but is still in active use.