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Global leader from Wetzlar is Champion of Innovation · TOP 100 Top-Innovator
On the 19th of June, 2020, MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH from Wetzlar has been awarded with the innovation prize TOP 100 Top-Innovator 2020 for the 4th time already after 2014, 2016 und 2018. It is especially noteworthy that the global leader in MBST magnetic resonance therapy ranks 2nd in its category.
Health – possibly our most precious possession
We usually only realize how precious health is when our body no longer functions as usual and we physically suffer in consequence. Caring for our own health often only starts when we have lost it – even though our health does not only influence our well-being but also our personal performance, productivity and above all our quality of life.
The MBST therapy system has been developed transfer energy in a targeted manner into diseased or damaged tissue.

MBST magnetic resonance therapy
Since 1998, MedTec with its therapeutically used magnetic resonance technology has developed from a apioneer to a global market leader. Under the brand name MBST, therapy systems for human, veterinary and aesthetic medicine are in use around the world. The technology is based on many international patents. The MBST magnetic resonance therapy is applicated in the case of different degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for example osteoarthritis, osteoporosis or damaged intervertebral discs, as well as other conditions or injuries to biological tissue for outpatient or inpatient treatment, also preventive, postsurgical and rehabilitation-accompanying.
An increasing number of doctors, specialists, medical care centres, hospitals, clinics and universities trusts in the MBST magnetic resonance therapy system – not only in Germany and Europe but throughout the world.
MBST without surgery, injections, intravenous infusions or drugs
MBST magnetic resonance therapy is non-invasive, drug-free and without known side effects or interactions in its 20 years of usage.
MBST therapy devices
Finally, we could get started with the preparation for competition. The MBST therapy has made it possible that I could start with the training for the world championship in time and so has increased my chances there considerably. I am glad that I could get that treatment and want to say thank you very much to the whole team!
Seven years ago, I was virtually lieing on the operating table. One could say, the saw was being prepared for the implantation of an artificial knee joint. Many activities and movements were hard or impossible for me because of osteoarthritis grade IV in my right knee. I was limping badly. I had an MBST treatment 6 years ago. Since then, I am free of complaints. I can cycle, I can dance with my wife and I can go hiking again. The attempt has proven to be very successful for me.
I got injections with cortisone which did help with my complaint, but only for a few months. I don’t like injections and I did not want to go on like that for an indefinite time. But I also did not want to be operated on. That is why my orthopaedist proposed the MBST therapy which I tried. The treatment was more than a year ago. I am mostly free of complaints and have no restrictions on walking distance or mobility.
What indications can be treated with MBST?
Doctors in MBST treatment centres use therapeutical magnetic resonance in cases of: